Monday, January 16, 2012

Short Story

     Luke threw his clothes on his bed, sat down and sighed.  "This is impossible," he thought.  He jumped on his bed and looked around his room.  It was cluttered with junk: an XBOX 360, an HDTV, an old record player.  Clothers were thrown everywhere, covering his entire floor and nearly engulfing the two guitars he owned.
     Today Luke had to make a decision.  It was time for Luke to donate some of his clothes to the Good Will again.  It was his mothers' tradition every year to have him and his siblings donate their extra clothes.  It was, in his mother's eyes, a way to "give back".  To Luke it felt more like a big hassle.

     He sifted through his shirts one more time and then decided, on impulse, to take stock of his wardrobe.  He ad eighty four shirts and twenty pairs of jeans.  "I guess giving away a few couldn't hurt," he thought charitably.  Luke sifted through again and took out two shirts and a pair of jeans.  "That oughta do it," he said aloud to himself.  He bunched up the clothes, stuffed them in a bag, and put it by his door.

   With nothing to do, Luke spent time picking through his remaining shirts, half of which he rarely wore, and tried them on in front of his mirror.  After he got bored of staring at himself, Luke picked up one of his guitars and played for a few minutes.  He got bored quickly, and put the guitar back on the ground.

     Luke stared at his dark reflection on the idle television/.  The TV was on his desk, which was cluttered with books, stacks of papers, and pens.  He sighed to himself.  "There really is nothing to do at my house," he thought imaginatively.  He pulled out his cell phone just to check the time.  It was noon.  He glanced up at squinted at the light shining through his window.  "It's too bright and it's too hot," he thought.  Luke pulled his curtains together and took out his phone again.  One minute past noon.  No new text messages.  He fired up tetris on his phone and began to play mindlessly. "This is going to be a long day," he thought.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Album Review: "The Best of Earth Wind & Fire Vol.1"

I got a fancy ass record player for Christmas, complete with a stack of a records formerly known as "Dad's Collection".  They aren't technically mine until I help my dad load them on to his computer, but I'm close enough.

Thanks Mom and Dad.

Since I've got nothing better to do, I'm going to show you how important I think my opinion is by "reviewing" this glorious album.  Before I begin, I need to add a picture to make my post look more appealing.  I don't really plan on showing anyone this blog, but in case anyone happens to find their way here, they will (hopefully) find an aesthetically pleasing web page.


Review Time:
What more can I say about Earth Wind and Fire that hasn't already been said?  This funky album was filled with groovy ass tunes that (literally) got me dancing around the room.  The harmonies were amazing with a solid section of brass to back it up.  Great album.  I highly recommend it to anyone interested in funk.

Well, I don't really have anything else to say.  It's time to do the dishes.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Good Morning, Internet

It's now 1:34, officially the afternoon.  I was nearly falling asleep with a cup of black tea in my hand when I decided I wanted to start a blog.  

Logic Behind Blog Creation: I had nothing better to do, and the John Denver record I was currently playing wasn't keeping me interested.  I also felt like I was wasting life on Facebook (usually the case), so I thought "Why not do something productive?"

I don't really know what else to do, so I will conclude with some short facts about myself.
Name: Lucas Brandt
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 160
BMI: 21.7 (Normal Weight)

That's all you really need to know about me.  I'll post something substantial when I'm feeling more creative.

Au Revoir!