Thursday, August 2, 2012


About a week ago I went to the SF Public Library before rehearsal and wrote out a long, unfinished blog post about my day.  I even took a couple of pictures to go along with it.  And so I woke this morning with the idea that I would finish that same blog and post it.  But alas, it has vaporized into thin air.  Ca put. 

I could have gotten really upset and spent my whole day whining about the post the could have been.  But I chose to say FUCK IT and move on.  Instead I will post the pictures I took at the library so you can have some visual stimulant.

                                    A book I found on the desk I sat at.  I love San Francisco.

I've been keeping quite busy with rehearsals for my show, Dog Sees God.  I'm paying a buttload of money to get out there on BART, but its well worth it.  The show and cast are awesome,  I walk everywhere I go (calf muscle increase) and I've gotten to know the city much better.

I was called in an hour early the other day to record the famous Peanuts "wah wah" sounds on trombone.  My main instrument is the trumpet, so it wasn't too hard to get a decent sound out of the trombone.  One of the technicians, Ross, brought in his trombone and a makeshift "wah wah" mute for me to use.

Well, shit.  

The original Peanuts "wah wah"

Anyone interested in ordering tickets can visit this website:
The house only seats about 50, so I'd suggest ordering soon if you wanna go.

I've had a lot of crazy adventures since my last blog that deserve their own post...but they will come in due time.  Until then, America.  Stay classy.



1 comment:

  1. I say "stay classy" as well... except mine is with a "K."
