Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I've been back in the states for two solid days and I'm still tired.  I guess it takes awhile for jetlag to wear off.  Or maybe I'm just too accustomed to having three caffeinated drinks everyday.  Who knows...All I know is that I'm tired.

It feels great to be in my own bed though.  There's nothing like it.

But I feel like I'm in a daze.   Like I'm not really American any more.  Interactions with people feel different.  I found my self responding to the guy making my burrito with "Si, per favore".  He looked at me funny and repeated his question.  "What kind of meat, sir?"  I guess they don't have the 'yes please' meat in America.

I jumped right into rehearsing for a play in SF called Dog Sees God.  It's kind of like a raunchy version of Peanuts.  It features the Peanut gang in high school, and they're either homophobic as hell or on a lot of drugs.  Or both.  My character (a grown up Linus) took the drug route.  Figures that the philosophical kid with a blanket would get into drugs.

Regardless, you (the three or four people who read my blog) should come see it if you can.  It's gonna be dope.  Once there is a legitimate avenue for ticket orders, I'll let ya'll know.

Well my dog's getting angry at me now, so I guess I should sign off.  Time to hit the hay and pass out.

I don't really have a picture that fits on theme, so I decided to post one of this guy.  I have no clue who he is...but I call him Brad.  Seems like a cool guy, eh?

Good night to you all.  Take care.


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