Friday, July 13, 2012

Rome Day 8

Explored The Coliseum and a bunch of cool shit in Rome today (the exact opposite of a concrete description, but whateva).  Our tour guide, David, lead us on a personal tour of Rome (his hometown) and bought the entire group gelato afterwards.  It was pretty sweet.  The gelato, I mean.

Don't know who that fuck is, but he ruined my picture.

Went with my parents to see Bernini's masterpiece "The Ecstasy of St. Theresa" in our free time.  It was quite moving.

Had a phenomenal dinner with the entire tour group.  I recklessly challenged my sister to a wine chugging contest.  And I won by drinking my glass quicker (big deal right?)  After we had dinner, a bunch of the younger crowd decided to go out for drinks.  (Younger crowd being ages 16-32).  It was cool being able to legally buy and drink alcohol in public.  Our tour guide joined us for one drink, and it was then that I learned he was once a singer in a heavy metal band.  He continues to blow me away with his pursuit of his passions.  After drinking outside of a restaurant, we joined the parents at the hotel's rooftop gardens for more alcohol. 
I didn't partake at that point, since two guiness beers set me straight.

And now I find myself sweaty and half naked on my hotel bed.  Time to shower and talk to one of the most lovely women I know.



1 comment:

  1. That guy's head in your coliseum photo makes it unique, considering there are tons of other coliseum photos out there anyway. What a wonderful ending to another interesting blog ;) Keep postin'! And again, I miss you all.
